Articles from America’s leading Market Strategist and the man who is reinventing the way America captures market share.

Gear Up for Growth
Are you dreaming?

The majority of companies today, when asked about what their primary mission is, would say its growth. Growth and success is a dream come true, right? But few will ever really actualize it. Not because they don’t know what it is, but rather they don’t know how to implement the activities that capture and sustain real growth.
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Are You Working In It Or On It

Each day you get up and you go to work. Maybe you don’t call it work, maybe you call it play. But each day you get up and do it. Without planning much of what we do, we go through a routine or a cycle of each day. In my case this means getting on an airplane, getting off of an airplane, checking into a hotel, talking to a client, speaking to a group. Unfortunately in some cases I am too busy working in the process to work on the process, thinking that working in it is going to make me better at working on it.
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Develop A Market Intelligence System – Quality Information Yields Quality Decisions

In today’s price competitive environment, the successful business will be customer driven rather than product driven.  They develop their product line and service menu first by testing them in the marketplace and then developing and broadening only as their information or intelligence system applies.
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All Are Not Created Equal
Identifying Customer Categories

Smart companies are the ones that don’t throw away their best response, service or product on customers who will never appreciate it.  The smart business owners are the ones who know how to focus their energy on their best customers.  They understand what sets apart the good, better and best. Knowing that, these leaders then set about to design and provide different levels of service and product integrity around the differences.
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Brand It, Name It, Make It Stand Out

Too often we relate to things as a definition and not a term. If you have a delivery, call it “delivery plus” or “at your door” or “getting it there.” My point is, when we give things names, they are remembered. “We’ll provide our furnace plus program” as opposed to “we’ll come out and fix your furnace.” We give names to people, boats, and cars. So why don’t we give names to services?
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Educated Customers MeanBigger Profits

One of the most important things any business can do is to teach customers how to value shop. It can be as simple as providing a chart to point out value versus price differentiation. Very early in our education experience we were taught the difference between apples and oranges. The basic lesson is still very applicable to business today. If you went to the grocery store in search of a nice tart, juicy apple, would you buy a tangy orange? Not if you knew the difference! Why is it then, that we allow our customers to buy the discount model when they truly want the very best their pocketbook can buy?
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About the Author

Thomas Winninger is the founder of WINNINGER Visionscope a Minneapolis based Think Tank. He is author of the best selling books MarketQuake, Price Wars, Full Price and Sell Easy and his just published book BULLSEYE! – What Market Leaders are doing to consistently HIT the BULLSEYE! Thom is one of the most in-demand business speakers in the North America today. For more information about his programs please visit,
BULLSEYE! How Market Leaders consistently hit The Mark